Your thoughts, words, and actions paint your world.
Bohdi Sanders
You are responsible for designing and manifesting your world as you want it to be. You are the artist and your world is your canvas. If you don’t like something in your world, change it! You have the paintbrush; paint your world as you will.
How do you paint your world? The answer is simple – with your thoughts, words, and actions. You have the power to change your world as you desire to, but you must take the time to use that power. You must also be patient enough to continue to work on your canvas (your life) until your painting is finished and you have the work of art that you want.
Your thoughts, words, and actions create your world. Discipline yourself to create your life as you want it to be. Change your mind, and you change your attitude; change your attitude, and you change your world. Time to take charge of your own life and create a masterpiece!