Mountain Scenery

You don’t owe anyone an explanation
for the actions you take to keep
yourself on your path of inner peace.
Bohdi Sanders

You do not owe anyone any justifications for your actions. If you snapped at someone who did not deserve it, simply make a heartfelt apology, once, and move on. You don’t have to apologize over and over again. If you were sincere and meant it the first time, that should suffice. Sincerely apologize, mean it, and then drop it. When you start justifying your actions, you are allowing your ego to take over. You did what you did; own it and move on.

Furthermore, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for the actions you take to keep yourself on your path of inner peace. If you choose not to take part in gossip or an argument (which you should, as I will discuss later), you don’t owe anyone a reason. You don’t have to justify your actions to anyone, nor do you have to prove anything to anyone. You were not put on this earth to walk your path according to the dictates of other people.

It is your life to live as you see fit. When you start justifying your actions to others, you start to doubt yourself. Unless you have wronged someone, you don’t owe anyone any apologies or justifications concerning how you decide to live your life. If you are constantly worried about pleasing everyone else, then you will have a hard time pleasing yourself, much less maintaining your inner peace. Moreover, if everyone likes you, you probably will not completely like yourself. You cannot please everyone all the time, and you should not even try.

Just do what’s right to the best of your ability, and your inner peace will remain intact. Those who like you will like you; those who don’t, wish them well and move on. Inner peace comes from the inside, and if you know that you have done the best you can and have continued to live up to the standards you have set for yourself, then you should be at peace with your actions.

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Art of Inner Peace