Would you like you, if you met you?
This is a question that each of us should consider every now and then. Would you like you, if you met you? If the answer is “no,” then you should ask yourself, “Why not?” Are you a good judge of character? Why would you not like yourself if you met yourself for the first time? Are you standoffish? Are you sending out negative energy or a negative vibe to those around you? What is it about yourself that would make you not like yourself?
Likewise, if the answer is “Yes, everyone likes me,” you are still not out of the woods. If you are pleasing everyone, are you truly pleasing yourself? Are you truly being your authentic self or are you simply playing to the crowd? As a rule, the person who everyone likes rarely likes himself.
While you should be friendly and kind to everyone, you must make sure you are truly being yourself first and foremost. When you truly decide to be yourself, not everyone is going to like you. But you will like and respect yourself; and the right people will be drawn to you.
The answer to this intriguing question should be a resounding “YES!” If it isn’t, then you have some internal work to do. You know what your values and standards are, and as a rule, people generally like those who share their values, live authentically, and uphold the values that they profess to live by. Are you living by the standards you believe in? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?
If you would not like you, if you met you, then you need to think about why that is and make the necessary changes in your life. Most of us never slow down and think about this, but it is something we should consider. If you are at peace with who you are and how you live, then the answer should be “YES!” If not, it is time to do some soul-searching and make some changes in your life.