You can build any quality into your mentality
by meditating on that quality every day.
Emmet Fox
Visualization is a very powerful tool to help you develop and maintain your inner peace and change those negative images in your subconscious mind. In fact, an experiment was done with basketball players to see if visualization actually helped them on the court, and the results were nothing less than amazing.
The study divided the participants into players who physically practiced shooting free throws, and players who only visualized shooting free throws, but did not actually practice with the basketball. The players who actually practiced with a basketball improved their skills by 24%. What was unexpected was that the players who only visualized shooting free throws improved their skills by 23%, almost the same improvement as those who physically practiced with a ball. That is pretty remarkable!
If visualization can make those kinds of improvements with athletes, just think of how much it can help you control your mind. Your mind is much more powerful than you know, and once you learn to control it, you will be amazed at the results.