There is only one success –
to be able to spend your
life in your own way.
Christopher Morley
If you are going to live a life filled with inner peace and tranquility, you are going to be walking a different path than the vast majority of people in our society. Many will not understand why you excuse yourself when the conversation turns negative or starts focusing on gossip. Some may think that you are too timid to stand up for yourself when you walk away from some rude guy instead of reacting to his ill-mannered words or behavior.
Living differently than the majority of people in your life takes great strength and determination. If you want to live life your way, you must develop a strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. You must truly be dedicated to living a life of inner peace in order to stand up to those who will do everything to get you to continue to live the same life you have been living.
You must decide who you want to be and how you want to live your life, and then have enough confidence in yourself to not care what anyone else thinks or says about it. Become comfortable being unique, responding differently, and thinking differently from most people. Decide who and what you want to be, then work backward to figure out what you must do to achieve that objective. In this case, most of that work is laid out for you in this book.