Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you.
Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you.
Words are important. They are much more than a way of communicating with others; they contain power and energy. In addition, the way that you say something, and the intention behind your words, affect the energy that your words contain. This is why two people can say the exact same thing, but people prefer to listen to one over the other. It is not just what you say, but how you say it that matters.
What type of energy are you putting into your words? Are you speaking with a critical, angry tone, or a loving, peaceful tone? Do you use your words to help and encourage others or to intimidate and manipulate others?
There is also a right way and wrong way to listen to other people. Most people do not truly listen; they half-heartedly listen while they try to come up with something witty and smart to say when it is their turn to speak. In doing so, they miss much of what the other person is saying.
When conversing with someone else, really listen to what they are trying to say so you can truly understand. Listen to more than their words; listen to the deeper meanings behind the words. Only then can you give them a wise response.
Changing the way you speak and listen, changes the energy that you emit to others. Always be aware of the energy that you are putting out to others. People are attracted to positive, caring energy, and are turned off by selfish, uncaring energy. Be sincere and be real and others will love to listen to you and talk with you.