Never stop being a good person, because of bad people.
You must decide who you want to be and maintain your standards no matter what anyone else thinks, does, or says. Don’t allow the actions of other people cause you to lower your principles. Never stop being a good person, because of bad people. Don’t give anyone that kind of power over your life.
Set a certain standard or code for yourself to follow, and then follow it until it becomes a integral part of you. Don’t lower your standards to suit the company you are in. You are responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions, not theirs. Refuse to lower your standards in order to please those who won’t raise theirs.
Live your life your way, no matter what anyone else thinks about it. Compromising your principles to please other people may make them happy with you, but you won’t be happy with yourself. Put your principles and your inner peace first, and let others think whatever they please.