If you are depressed you are living in the past,
if you are anxious you are living in the future,
if you are at peace, you are living in the present.
Lao Tzu
The only time you have to make changes in your life is NOW, in this present moment. The past is gone, and the future only exists in your mind; NOW is the time to live your life and to make all the changes that you know you need to make. You only have this present moment, or what I like to call the NOW.
Refuse to waste one more minute of your life regretting things that happened in the past or fantasizing about the future. Focus your attention on the NOW. Worrying about tomorrow or regretting the past causes mental stress, sadness, anger, regret, worry, fear, and other negative, low-energy thoughts.
Most people don’t fully enjoy the NOW because their mind is somewhere else. They are rarely fully present. To get the most out of your life, you must be fully aware and present in the NOW. Being fully present in the NOW means that you are continually mindful of your thoughts, words, actions, and responses. You must treasure the present moment because the present moment is all you truly have.
Commit yourself to live each moment of your life fully in the way that you want to live, being mindful to foster and maintain your inner peace. Weigh every choice on whether or not it is consistent with your goal of living in inner peace and tranquility.
Live every minute of your life to the fullest. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down with the challenges of life; don’t allow yourself to get stressed out by overthinking your options. Use what is right and what nurtures your inner peace as a gauge in making each decision of your life.
We all have visions of what we are going to do and how we are going to live “someday,” but for most people, “someday” never arrives. If you have something you want to change in your life, change it NOW. If you have something you really want to do in life, do it NOW. NOW is the time to be who you want to be and live the life that you want to live. Live in the NOW is the mantra for the wise!