How to Deal with Toxic People
What Toxic People Need to Survive:
* Your Reaction
* Your Attention
* Your Low Self-Esteem
What Toxic People Fear the Most:
* Your Silence
* Your Indifference
* You Remembering Who Your Truly Are
Toxic people, haters, and internet trolls all thrive on getting a reaction from you. Once they get a reaction, they know they have your attention. They then continue to harass, bother, and attack you to continue to get your attention and to try to get more reactions from you. It is kind of a mind game they play because their own lives are so hollow and empty.
These people desperately need their targets to have low self-esteem or an uncontrolled ego in order to continue to get a reaction to their snotty comments, lies, libel, slander, and personal attacks. They know that people with a healthy self-esteem will simply block them or remove them from their lives. Like most predators, they try to target those who appear vulnerable in one way or another.
The best way to shut these parasites down is to remember who you truly are. Once you remember that you are above their pathetic, little attempts to get under your skin, it is easy to shut them down with your silence and indifference to anything and everything they have to say or write about you. Simply put, these people are not worth your time, so don’t give them any of it!
Refuse to be a victim. Refuse to allow these unhappy, toxic, malicious people to get under your skin. When you choose to respond with silence and indifference to them, you take away everything that they are trying to get from you. Your silence and indifference show them that their attempts to trigger you are a meaningless waste of time, although it will probably take these simpletons a while to figure that out.
Sooner or later, people stop fishing in a pond where they never catch a fish. While they waste their precious time trying to harass and attack you, use your time to enjoy and improve your life, and to maintain your inner peace. Block, delete, or distance yourself from anyone who continues to try to disrupt your happiness or your peace of mind. No one can beat you if you refuse to play their game.