If you are ever tempted to look for outside approval,
realize that you have compromised your integrity.
If you need a witness, BE YOUR OWN!
There is something that we all need to take to heart – you do not need anyone’s approval to live your life as you see fit. In addition, you do not owe anyone any justifications concerning how you choose to live your life.
It is your life, have the confidence to live it your way. You are not on this planet to please everyone else. Likewise, other people are not on this planet to please you. Live your life your way, and allow others to do the same. No man has a God-given right to dictate to others how they should live their life.
Seeking approval from others demonstrates a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Allowing others to tell you how to live your life is compromising your own inner spirit and integrity.
Inner peace requires that you listen to your own spirit and live your life as you feel is right. Other people do not walk in your shoes and do not know what is in your heart. Have the self-confidence to live your life your way and walk the path less traveled.
Bohdi Sanders
author of the new book,
The Art of Inner Peace