I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations
and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.
Bruce Lee
You must stop expecting people to fit into a certain preconceived mold that you have concerning who and what they should be. Stop expecting the world to meet your expectations, and start excepting life as it is. To do this, you must get rid of all of your expectations. Train yourself to never expect anything from anyone. It is your expectations and sensitivities which cause you to be upset or disappointed, not the situation or other people’s actions.
Expect nothing and accept everything. By now you should understand that you do not control everything. In fact, you control very little outside of yourself, as I mentioned earlier. Get rid of your expectations and accept everything as it comes.
This doesn’t mean that you necessarily approve or agree with the way things are; it simply means that you are accepting things as they are, not as you wish they were. This is accepting the reality of life instead of living in the fantasy world created by your own mind and expectations.