Staying on your chosen path is okay. Bohdi Sanders Quotes
Staying on your chosen path is okay.
Exploring new paths is okay.
Starting over is okay.
Allowing other people’s opinions
to cause you to quit is NOT okay!
Bohdi Sanders

You have to learn to trust your own opinion and your own thoughts, more than those of other people. If you will get quiet and learn to go within, you will find the answers you seek. Form your own opinions about how you should live your life instead of trusting everyone else’s opinions on how you should live. Live your life by your own code, not someone else’s standards.

Other people do not know what is in your heart; they do not know your dreams or goals. They don’t know what you can and can’t do, or what your purpose on this earth may be. All they know is what they think about it. Of course they have the right to their own opinions. And likewise, you have the right to ignore their opinions and go your own way.

You were not put on this earth to make everyone else happy or to be guided by their opinions. You are here for a specific purpose, and that purpose is not to live your life according to what everyone else thinks. It is your duty to discover your purpose in life.

We live in a time where those who dare to be different are attacked and ridiculed for not going along with the narrative. Follow your heart anyway. Don’t be intimidated into following the crowd. Listen to that small inside voice instead and live your life your way. Live your life your way, no matter what anyone else says or thinks about it. Don’t allow other people’s opinions to doubt yourself or to go against what you feel is right.

Bohdi Sanders
author of the new book
The Art of Inner Peace