Control your mind and remain undisturbed.
That is the secret of perfect peace.
Sai Baba
One of the biggest hurdles to living a life of inner peace is getting control of your emotions, which always starts with controlling your mind. If you can’t control your emotions, consistently living a life of inner peace is a pipe dream. There will always be some rude person out there to push your buttons or some event or situation which will disrupt your inner peace if you allow it to.
Consider a sailboat with no rudder. The captain of the sailboat may have the best intentions of reaching his desired destination, but without a rudder to control the boat, he simply goes wherever the wind may blow him. He is just along for the ride and has no control over his boat or his life. He is at the mercy of his external environment.
This same principle applies to your emotions. If you aren’t able to control your emotions, you will be blown off course by any event, situation, or person who is able to agitate your mind and thus, control your emotions. You have to train your mind to be stronger than your emotions, or you will lose this battle every time.