You can dance in the rain
or sulk in the rain.
It will rain regardless.
William Mulligan
The key to happiness is simply being happy no matter what is happening around you. You have no control over the rain or storms in your life, but you do have control over how you respond to them and whether or not you will decide to be happy regardless of the rain.
It is going to rain whether you like it or not. Being unhappy because you don’t like the weather will not change the weather; it only affects you. If you want to be happy and at peace, accept things as they are instead of being upset about how they are. The rain may change your plans a bit, but so what! Be happy anyway. Who knows, maybe the change in your plans will be better than what you originally had planned.
Happiness comes from within; true happiness never comes from external things or events. If you want to be happy, be independent of external things. Decide once and for all that life is too short to be unhappy about anything. Dance in the rain. Play in the snow. Enjoy your life no matter what is happening around you! It is the path to inner peace.