Forgive but Remember the Lesson
Forgiving the other person does not mean that you have to allow that person back into your life. It simply means that you are refusing to allow what he did to continue to disrupt your inner peace
Forgiving the other person does not mean that you have to allow that person back into your life. It simply means that you are refusing to allow what he did to continue to disrupt your inner peace
Focus on making yourself better, not thinking that you are better. Don’t spend your time condemning others. You cannot possibly know what is going on in someone else’s life, nor can you know what all he has had to deal with in his past or the context of his actions.
You do not owe anyone any justifications for your actions. If you snapped at someone who did not deserve it, simply make a heartfelt apology, once, and move on. You don’t have to apologize over and over again. If you were sincere and meant it the first time, that should suffice.
Your thoughts become your desires; your desires lead to your actions; your actions change your life, and the changes in your life lead to continued changes in your thoughts. It is a never-ending cycle that starts with your thoughts and cycles back to your thoughts. Bohdi Sanders
You must decide who you want to be and maintain your standards no matter what anyone else thinks, does, or says. Don't allow the actions of other people cause you to lower your principles. Never stop being a good person, because of bad people. Don't give anyone that kind of power over your life.
There is something that we all need to take to heart - you do not need anyone's approval to live your life as you see fit. In addition, you do not owe anyone any justifications concerning how you choose to live your life.
The Art of Inner Peace: The Law of Attraction for Inner Peace is your step-by-step guide to developing and maintaining inner peace, tranquility, and a calm spirit. This insightful and enlightening book can totally change your life! If you have struggled with anger, worry, fear, depression, or other challenging personal issues, The Art of Inner Peace will guide you in removing those low-energy thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs, and show you how to replace them and foster inner peace in your life.
The key to happiness is simply being happy no matter what is happening around you. You have no control over the rain or storms in your life, but you do have control over how you respond to them and whether or not you will decide to be happy...
You are responsible for designing and manifesting your world as you want it to be. You are the artist and your world is your canvas.
Get rid of the need to convince other people that you are right; get rid of your need for other people’s approval. You do not have to defend your beliefs or the way you live to anyone. Don’t get sucked into an argument in order to prove a point.