Don’t focus on being the best;
focus on being the best that you can be.
Bohdi Sanders
Some people always seem to be competing with everyone else. There self-esteem hangs on them trying to be better than everyone else, which leads them to constantly compare themselves with other people. If you are constantly comparing yourself to other people, you will always find that there is plenty of people who have more money than you, are better looking, have a bigger house, etc.
Comparing your life to other people’s lives will almost always disrupt your inner peace. If you must compare your life to the lives of other people, look at those who have much less and be grateful for all of your blessings.
It is much better to be content with your own blessings and stop comparing your life to other people. Don’t focus on being the best; focus on being the best that you can be. Be the best YOU that you are capable of being. Be content with who you are and what you have, and continue to work each day to improve yourself and to achieve your own goals.