Beautiful aurora

To live by choice, not by chance,
To be motivated, not manipulated,
To be useful, not used,
To excel, not compete.

I choose self-esteem, not self-pity,
I choose to listen to my inner voice,
not to the random opinions of others.
I choose to do the things that you won’t,
so I can continue to do the things that you can’t.

Every day you have to make a choice – do you live your life by choice or by chance. It is easy to live by chance; all you have to do is simply go through life mindlessly, allowing people, events, and situations to determine you attitude, mood, direction, and to control your emotions. This is allowing yourself to be used and manipulated by whatever comes your way.

Your other choice is to live your life by choice. This decision puts you in the driver’s seat and frees you from the randomness of life and those around you. You choose your attitude, your goals, your motivation, and the direction of your life, instead of allowing others to “choose” for you.

When you choose to live by choice, instead of by chance, you are living your life your way. The opinions of others take a backseat and won’t carry much meaning in your life. You take control of your life and choose to live a life of inner peace, character, honor, and integrity. The actions of others will not dictate your mood or control your emotions.

What will you choose? Will you choose to be in control of your life, or will you choose to allow other people, events, and random circumstances to control you like a puppet on a string? The choice is always yours to make, but you must choose. Choosing not to make a choice IS making a choice; but it is not the choice that will lead you to inner peace. Choose wisely.

Bohdi Sanders
author of the new book,
The Art of Inner Peace