Focus on making yourself better, not thinking that you are better. Bohdi Sanders
Focus on making yourself better,
not thinking that you are better.
Bohdi Sanders

Don’t spend your time condemning others. You cannot possibly know what is going on in someone else’s life, nor can you know what all he has had to deal with in his past or the context of his actions.

Always remember that you are not perfect and that you are not the same person you were 10 years ago, five years ago, or even one year ago. What if someone judged you today by every word you spoke or every action you took 10-20 years ago? How would you fare?

Instead of spending your time passing judgment, spend your time improving yourself and focusing on the things which do concern you. In fact, spend so much time improving yourself that you have neither the time nor inclination to judge others. Focus on making yourself better, not thinking that you are better.
Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Art of Inner Peace