Japanese Sunset

The fact is, manifesting what you want and making lasting changes in your life is a slow process, at least most of the time. Your thoughts become your desires; your desires lead to your actions; your actions change your life, and the changes in your life lead to continued changes in your thoughts. It is a never-ending cycle that starts with your thoughts and cycles back to your thoughts.

What you think about expands, so it is vitally important that you think about things that you want in your life, not about those things you don’t want in your life. You must avoid entertaining any thoughts which weaken you or which bring negativity or strife into your life. When you start changing your thoughts, you will begin to see changes in your life.

If you want more inner peace in your life, you must consistently think peaceful, tranquil thoughts. As you start to think calm and peaceful thoughts, the desire to live a life filled with inner peace will grow. Then as your desire for inner peace grows, you will start to see your actions fall in line with those thoughts and desires.

The more you act on those thoughts and desires, the more inner peace you will manifest in your life, and the more you will ingrain a lifestyle of inner peace into your subconscious and conscious mind.

Bohdi Sanders
excerpt from the NEW BOOK
The Art of Inner Peace