Silence is the best answer to someone who doesn’t value your words.
Many people love to debate and argue over just about any subject that is brought up in conversation. Get rid of the need to convince other people that you are right; get rid of your need for other people’s approval. You do not have to defend your beliefs or the way you live to anyone. Don’t get sucked into an argument in order to prove a point.
The need to prove that you are right comes from your ego, and if allowed, your ego will disrupt your inner peace more often than not. The ego has a burning desire to be right and doesn’t like being questioned. If you allow your ego to control your actions, it will always try to prove it is right through debating and arguing the point until the other person gives in or walks away from the discussion.
Whenever you feel your ego taking control, put it in check and remind yourself that it is better to preserve a tranquil spirit than to prove yourself right. After all, is your goal to prove you are right or to maintain your inner peace? Arguing almost always disrupts your inner peace and tranquility.
You do not have to prove yourself to anyone, nor do you have to justify your beliefs or the way you live your life. Others may want you to justify yourself. They may demand that you prove your point or justify your lifestyle. They may even try to push you into arguing or debating with them. But they cannot force you to participate in any argument or debate if you refuse to participate. Put your inner peace first!