Always remember that your present
situation is not your final destination.
The best is yet to come!
The one thing that you can always count on is change. Everything is changing all the time. You never truly know if something will end up being good or bad until some time in the future. If something goes wrong in your life today, don’t let it get you down or defeat you.
Remember the truism taught in The Art of Inner Peace – if you can do something about the situation, then do it; if there is nothing that you can do about it, then deal with it the best you can and don’t worry about it. Worry never has, and never will change any situation. Refuse to worry!
Remind yourself that your present situation is not your final destination. As long as you are still alive, and do not give up, you are never truly defeated. The best is yet to come if you will continue to strive for it. Control your mind and emotions and refuse to declare defeat! Determine to be happy no matter how an external situation appears; it will change!