The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people, the more peaceful your life will become. Mandy Hale
The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative
people, the more peaceful your life will become.
Mandy Hale

I have a newsflash for you – you do not have to react to rude, critical, argumentative people. Most of the time, these people are trying to push your buttons and get a reaction from you. They enjoy getting under people’s skin and trying to upset them.

The counter to their behavior is simple – respond, don’t react. When you respond, you remain in control; when you react, you allow that person to control you through manipulating your emotions. Responding requires thought on your part; it is not an automatic reaction. This puts you in charge, not the other person.

Another thing to consider is that silence is a response. You are choosing to not physically or verbally respond, but to respond to their rudeness by ignoring them completely. Nothing puts their fire out as fast as refusing to acknowledge their attempts to manipulate you. Simply choose not to participate.

Remember, your goal is to maintain your inner peace, not prove you are right or put the other person in his place. The more you control your mind and emotions, and refuse to play their game, the more peaceful your life becomes. Respond, don’t react, and you will maintain your inner peace.

Bohdi Sanders
from the new book
The Art of Inner Peace